Our Classes

Each one of our classrooms is a warm and supportive place where a child can develop at his or her own pace. We believe a big part of our job is to assist children with their evolving social and emotional development. Children learn to share, take turns, respect individual differences and work together. Teachers encourage free expression of individual feelings and ideas in an appropriate manner.
Children play outside every day, barring hazardous weather, on our two well equipped playgrounds, nearby field and creek, and take walking trips through our friendly and eclectic neighborhood. Teachers sometimes move classroom activities outside, often taking advantage of an adjacent park. In inclement weather children play in a large indoor recreation room. To complement the curriculum, we provide music and creative movement, and a variety of interesting field trips.
The center has five spacious and light-filled classrooms. We strive to maintain an equal balance of boys and girls, as well as a developmental age span, in each classroom. A child’s individual development is always considered in class placement.
Toucans (Younger 2’s)
This classroom has 9-10 children each day. There are three teachers assigned to this group. Because we offer parents the attendance option of 3, 4, or 5 days per week, the total enrollment for the class ranges between 9 and 13 children over the course of the week. There is a diapering area and a bathroom in this classroom.
Hummingbirds (Older 2’s/Younger 3’s)
This classroom has 12 children each day. There are three teachers assigned to this group. Because we offer parents the attendance option of 3, 4, or 5 days per week, the total enrollment for the class ranges between 12 and 16 children over the course of the week. There is a diapering area and a bathroom in this classroom.
Puffins (Older 3’s/Younger 4’s)
This classroom has 15-16 children each day. There are three teachers assigned to this group. Because we offer parents the attendance option of 3, 4, or 5 days per week, the total enrollment for the class ranges between 15 and 18 children over the course of the week. Children must be fully toilet trained.
This classroom has 16 children each day ages 4 – 5 years old. There are two teachers assigned to this group. Children in this age group attend five days a week. Children must be fully potty trained.
This classroom has 17 children each day ages 4 – 5 years old. There are two teachers assigned to this group. Children in this age group attend five days a week. Children must be fully potty trained.